
Michael J. Behe, an associate professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., has written a

book titled Darwin's Black Box. Mr. Behe says, "[T]he long effort to get down to the basic building blocks of

life ends with this discovery: Those basic building blocks are anything but simple." Mr. Behe calls them

irreducibly complex. "Indeed, they are so complex that only one honest conclusion is possible-intelligent design

is some are in the background."

Mr. Behe shows how the mobility of cells, the clotting of blood, the immune system, and basic cellular

transportation systems within the body have all been systematically ignored by evolutionists ­ at least with

reference to how such sophisticated systems ever got under way. Some of his scientific colleagues are accusing

Mr. Behe of all kinds of treasonous things, like being disrespectful toward scientists. Mr. Behe says that

intelligent design by no means requires the God of the Bible-or any God at all. It just requires intelligent design,

but no designer, especially if his name is God.


Marriage Anyone?

Newsweek (Sept. 16 and Nov. 4) is bending over backwards in an attempt to portray same­sex marriages as

normal and wholesome. Pieces in the two referenced issues of the magazine allude to 3 or 4 situations in which

"two Moms" or "two Dads" are attempting to raise children. The focus is to present the "families" as normal. It

appears that the selected examples are atypical, or the full story is not told. The fundamental promiscuity of

homosexual behavior is ignored. Filthy practices by virtually all homosexuals are not discussed and therefore the

dangerous nature of the behavior is minimized. The far­above­average mortality rate of homosexuals is not

mentioned. The possible long­term bad effect on the children in this unnatural and perverted relationship is

unknown and that fact is not acknowledged. It appears that Newsweek is attempting to throw a mantle of

respectability over a sinful and unacceptable lifestyle.

President Clinton signed "The Defense of Marriage Act" legislation designed to prevent gay marriages. The law,

which passed Congress by overwhelming majorities in both houses, defines marriage in federal law as the union

of a man and a woman and stipulates that, contrary to the Constitution's "full faith and credit" clause, if one

state allows gay marriage, other states need not recognize the union.


Not Human

Defense lawyer Sally Hoelzel, arguing her client, Deborah Zimmerman of Racine, Wis., is not guilty of attempted

homicide, said, "The alleged victim was not a human being." Miss Zimmerman is accused of trying to kill her

unborn daughter, Megan, by drinking alcohol heavily. The child, now six months old, survived, but is suffering

problems characteristic of fetal alcohol syndrome. Miss Zimmerman had threatened to the staff at a local

hospital that she would kill her baby by drinking. Lawyer Hoetzel in a CNN interview said, "Had she in fact

killed her unborn child, she would be exempt from prosecution. Under our abortion law, a mother can't be



Holes in the Head

Body piercing had its origin in the gay and sado­masochistic subculture, but it has seemingly entered the

mainstream. People stick metal objects through eyebrow, navel, tongue, and more private parts. Turns out this is

causing infection and can be fatal. At the very best it is dumb.


Weed and Ten

The rap group Crucial Conflict wears their faith on their sleeve in their latest album, The Final Tic. For all of

their profanity­filled numbers, they include a heartfelt anthem in which they thank Jesus Christ for his gift of



Church and State

Judge Roy Moore, Gadsden (AL), was sued by the ACLU to force him to remove the Ten Commandments

from his courtroom. Mr. Moore, with the backing of Alabama Governor Fob James and Attorney General Jeff

Sessions, is fighting the suit. The ACLU is also demanding that Mr. Moore and other Alabama judges stop

opening their sessions with a prayer. By the way, the Congress of the United States opens each session with

prayer and the ACLU has not sued the Federal Government-so far.


Right Hand

Thomas Passmore thought his right hand was possessed by the devil. Taking to heart the biblical command, "If

they right hand offend thee, cut it off," the Norfolk, Virginia native removed his hand with a circular saw. When

he was rushed to the hospital, he refused to give doctors consent to try to reattach the hand. Now Passmore

doesn't know how that nutty idea got into his head. He says the hospital should have ignored his commands and

reattached the hand anyway. Since they didn't, he's suing them for $3.35 million (Reason, Oct. 96).



I am applying for a job as youth minister.

Qualifications: Age 65; 45 years preaching experience in congregations from 6 to 600; raised 3 children; active

and overweight.

How I work: Require attendance to all Bible Study and Worship periods, and daily Bible reading. Get­togethers

in which youth are expected to memorize, quote scripture and comment on meaning. Also get­togethers for

maintenance on building (cleaning, painting, window washing, vacuuming, or anything that needs to be done).

Additional work, helping the elderly and infirm with housework, yard­work and errands. Require parents to

participate in at least half of work sessions and half of social sessions, as chaperons.

Expectations: Short term: rebelling and grumbling from teens, parents and elders. Long range: youth disciplined,

courteous, respectful, hard working and with good knowledge of God's Word.

If interested contact Ed Smithson (who speaks tongue­in­cheek).


A Grim Reaper

Sara Pearsaul (Chicago Tribune, Dec. 6, 1996) wrote: "What worries me is that suicide is becoming somehow

acceptable through the ghoulish crusade of Jack Kevorkian. Even the terminology of the technique he

advocates, 'assisted suicide,' implies something positive, and the media reports that he 'helps' people die. Were

the words more weighted with the value of life, a 'physician­assisted suicide' might be better described as a

serial killing."