Fennell Visitor July 14, 2002


Welcome to everyone. We pray that everyone will be encouraged and edified by our time together today and that God will be pleased with our worship to Him.

Our speakers today will be:

Morning Worship – Paul Dale

Evening Worship – Paul Dale




Life is His

Since life is a possession

only God understands,

And life has been given us

from out of His hands,

And He who has all knowledge

of us in the flesh

Gives us our needs

and all of the rest,

Why can't we give Him back

our all-in-all best?

After all, our best is His already.

- Gary L. Grizzell






News and Notes

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Jack Hoover, Don and Sylvia Snure, Becky Morgan, Billie and Jack Cartwright, Lynda Russell, Joey Merling, Julie Keating, Becky Love, Crystal Cook, and Isa Walker.

BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: Happy Birthday to Caralyn Martin on the 16th, and Happy Anniversary to Chris and Dianne Gardner on the 18th. May God bless you in the coming year.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Our VBS is approaching very quickly. The group from Mayfair will be arriving next Saturday, July 20, around 8:00 p.m. Those who are hosting these young people are asked to be at the building to pick up their guests around 7:30 p.m. The group will be here until Wednesday evening working with us every evening from the 21st through to the 24th. We are looking forward to their arrival and the program they have planned. Please remember to pray for this event

MONTHLY ACTIVITIES: There is a list on the back bulletin board for monthly activities. If you are able to plan and host an activity please sign the list.

COOKIES FOR CAMP: We have been asked to supply cookies for the week of Aug. 5 - 10. They are in need of 50 dozen cookies. If you can help out with this, please bring your cookies to Dave Jaggard on the 28th of July or the 4th of Aug. Thank you.

CALENDARS: Please mark your calendars for the following events:

" Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.

If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments, and abide in His love.

These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full"

John 15:9-11

Sharing Christ

by: Serena Voss

"Lead me to some soul today" we sang

And all week long that message rang.

Inside my head and heart, I prayed

"Lord who can I reach for you today?"

Just at that moment my neighbor walked by

And I said to myself, "Okay, I'll try.

But, first I need time to study and rehearse,


Then armed with my proof texts and Bible outlines,

I approached her to study and she said, "That's fine."

The verses poured out in a steady stream,

'Doctrinal Purity' was my theme.

Besides, many claim to follow Christ

But they do it man's way, thinking that will suffice.

Well, after the session was nearly through,

I said, "Have you questions?" She said, "Just a few.

It's obvious you know your Bible quite well,

You've talked about Heaven and touched on Hell.

You've even shown proofs that the Bible is true,

But you've not yet told me what Christ means to you.

How is your life different? How do you cope?

Is there any real joy or any real hope?"

I stared at my outlines, then put them away.

And I changed and shared gently the Man called 'The Way.'

As that simple old story began to shine through,

My friend came to Jesus, not the what, but the Who.







July 14, 2002 Volume 51 - 28