Welcome to everyone. We pray that everyone will be encouraged and edified by our time together today and

that God will be pleased with our worship to Him.


Our speakers today will be:

Morning Worship – Roy Merritt

Evening Worship – Roy Merritt


" With thoughtless and

Impatient hands

We tangle up

The plans

The Lord hath wrought.

And when we cry

In pain, He saith,

'Be quiet dear,

While I untie the knot' "






News and Notes

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Wes Taylor, Jack Hoover, Don Snure, Becky Morgan, Billie and Jack Cartwright, Lynda Russell, Tracey Heuston and several members who have colds and the flu.

BIRTHDAYS: Happy Birthday to Pat Pearson on the 24th and Laura Russell on the 25th. May God bless you in the next year.

BULLETIN ITEMS: If you have any items for the bulletin for the month of March, please give them to Dianne Gardner.

MONTHLY ACTIVITIES: There is a list on the back bulletin board for monthly activities. If you are able to plan and host an activity please sign the list.

POTLUCK: The regular potluck has been canceled this week and will be next Sunday, March 3rd with the Corporation meeting to follow. Please plan to attend and participate in this meeting.

CALENDARS: Please mark your calendars for the following events:



"May God be gracious to us and bless us

and make His face shine upon us,

that your ways may be known on earth,

your salvation among the nations."

Psalms 67:1-2