Welcome to everyone. We pray that everyone will be encouraged and edified by our time together today and

that God will be pleased with our worship to Him.


Our speakers today will be:

Morning Worship – Max Craddock

Evening Worship – Max Craddock



Just as I am, without one plea

But that Thy blood was shed for me,

And that Thou bidd'st me come

to Thee, O Lamb of God,

I come! I come!







News and Notes

REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Wes Taylor, Jack Hoover, Jeff Cox, Don Snure, Becky Morgan, Billie and Jack Cartwright, Lynda Russell. Please pray for Tracey Heuston and her family as her grandmother, Jessie Heuston, is not well.

BIRTHDAYS: Happy Birthday to Tina and Stephanie Prowse on the 14th. May God bless you in the next year.

BULLETIN ITEMS: If you have any items for the bulletin for the month of February, please give them to Dianne Gardner.

VBS 2002: If you are able to house volunteers from the Mayfair Congregation for our 2002 VBS, please sign the list on the back bulletin board.

MONTHLY ACTIVITIES: There is a list on the back bulletin board for monthly activities. If you are able to plan and host an activity please sign the list.

OPEN HOUSE: Great Lakes Christian College is having an Open House on Tuesday Feb. 12 from 7 - 9 p.m. for those who are considering attending the school. Please see details on the back bulletin board.

LADIES CLASS: We will be revealing our Secret Sisters this Tuesday the 12th and choosing new ones. Please plan to attend and enjoy an evening of fun and Bible Study.

CALENDARS: Please mark your calendars for the following events:

the Real World".

Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James 12:22